
7+ Exam Tutors

Our 7+ tutors have years of experience helping children shine in the exam and interview process. Friendly, knowledgable and patient, our London-based tutors nurture an enthusiasm for learning in all of their young pupils.

Our 7+ tutors make Maths and English fun and engaging. We know that children learn best when they are attentive and curious, and ensure that lessons are always enjoyable as well as educational. What’s more, our tutors quickly identify their pupils’ strengths and weaknesses. Whether your child struggles with multiplication or spelling, our 7+ tutors will help them to tackle problem areas.

As well as developing young students’ literacy and numeracy skills, our 7+ tutors build their confidence. We know that entrance exams and interviews can seem daunting, and we strive to make children feel as happy and comfortable as possible. Our tutors prepare pupils for what to expect and fill them with the confidence they need to succeed.


11+ Exam Tutors

94% of our students pass the 11 plus into their top choice school. At Eddystone Tutors our expert team of tutors are passionate about helping every child fulfil their potential.

Our 11 Plus and entrance exam support is shaped by our decade long experience in getting children through examinations.

With competition growing yearly for secondary school places, starting your child’s Eleven Plus preparation as early as possible will give them the best chance of passing.

Whether CEM, ISEB, GL, Bond, North London Consortium or Grammar school specific entrance papers, our courses, tuition and unique materials are designed to offer full preparation for the exam.


SATS Tutors

Eddystone offers expert preparation for the SAT examinations. Our unique approach offers a focus on the curriculum whilst also encouraging pupils to increase their confidence and enthusiasm for the topics.

Our SATs programmes are designed to lay the fundamental building blocks for future learning. These include the ability to apply knowledge, self-belief and a genuine interest in the content.

All of our tutors are extremely experienced in preparing students for the SAT and entrance examinations and we have an outstanding success rate. On top of that, pupils love the lessons!

We are passionate about facilitating an engaging learning experience. We work with families to continuously deliver beyond their expectations and ensure that students achieve their full potential.